
yeahh ryyt

It gets to that stage in your life, when your head begins to loose contact with your heart. And I mean that in the corniest sense you can imagine. You become fixated on the idea of finding that one person that you can relate to, that one person that you could have wholly to yourself, that you settle for whatever comes your way regardless. Your head will try to tell you not to fall so hard for every person that compliments you, but your heart really couldn’t give a shit and does so anyway. After the novelty of it all wears off however, you come to realize that you were only forcing yourself to fall in love so that you could have love. But it wasn’t love after all. It was just single-serving lust, caught up in the moment of it all. You fall so hard, that your expectations are forced to sky-rocket. Of course the reality of it falls too short. You are left disappointed and uninterested, and the cycle begins again. The irony of it all however, is that those single moments of uncertainty are so fucking exhilarating you don’t care what happens next, because what you have in those moments of single-serving lust is better than anything you could have imagined love to feel like.

“Then you love me, totally.”

“Yes. Totally. Tenderly. Tragically.”

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