
medical mission

last february 9 i had the oppurtunity to join a medical mission spearheaded by the fil-am church in seattle washington.we meet up at 7am at the gdorm lobby and went straight up to alegria, murcia where it is goin to take place.

photoshoot while waiting for our transpo to take us to aleg :)

the 'brave, strong-hearted boys' waiting patiently for their turn!
iiiitttssss TULI TIME ☺

the (smiling) minor surgery assistants

a pose with the medical mission team leads

the wacky doctors we get to meet and befriend

herbie assisting the dentist

a lot of people got their tooth plucked!

christian here is very afraid of blood, but he has to assist this
so he can finish his cases.go tian!

being prepped for excision

happy faces after drinking the thirst-quenching buko juice

tipay and jerry are fans of 3 idiots.this dentist looks like one
of the characters so they asked him for a photo op :)

neale making pacute inside the bus

all waiting for the bus to go back to cpac
the bus was jampacked.we were fried alive!
it felt so good to be a part of a good cause.im very happy that i have this oppurtunity to help in my own small way :))

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