

yessss! i finally changed my relationship status! from single to in a relationship, how awesome is that? haahaha well, you may find it too OA because nowadays, changing of relationship status (yes i mean in facebook and in real life) seemed to be overrated. ours is different. few people who actually know our story can tell you that it's not the usual love story (: i have always wanted to tell the whole world how everything turned out to be what it is right now but i think it would be too bias if i only tell it from my own side of the story. jp has his own version to tell too so i'd better keep it to myself. but i think that doesn't keep me from telling the whole world how happy i've been since he came.

avant garde 2011, jp dint make so much pansin here-- we weren't together yet! but he looks dashing!

jp is my long lost beach buddy! we started hanging out because we discovered we both love the water! too bad-- he doesn't tan and every time we beach, it's always me who turns out to be very tanned! oh well, coffee + milk (:

we are beach bums! shang 2011
jp is very spontaneous, and i am too! we often go long drives together to anywhere and everywhere our crazy heads can think of!

tops! tops ofs thes worlds! hahaha
we are gym buffs! uhmm, i mean he is but i kinda was drag because of him. hahaha but seriously, we work out together just because we are also both food afficionados! every time we binge, we pay it with work out!
crimson buffet!
luau citigym christmas party! free food and show of gym cut bodies!

one of the many afterwork food trips we have-- krua thai
you may wonder why i only have one/two photos of our food trip together and i'm raving about it-- well, you have to understand that when we are hungry, we focus all our energy to eating and just savoring the food hahaha next time, i promise to have better photos! (but who can think of taking a pic when you're hungry huh, tell me!?)

and these are photos of the crazy, wacky and happy couple that we are!

there is soo much to talk about jp and how a match we are as a couple!  sometimes, i kinda think that he is too good to be true but he never fails to assure me that he is for real and what we have is not just a spur of the moment kind of thing! we're goin to rock 2012 baby! x

**you might have figured it out already why it's jp n jp on the title huh? (john paul & jasel prill)