
a father's love

a father plays so many roles in one's life. he is a teacher, a friend, a provider, a protecter, a friend, and a dad. i'm not the kind who writes very emotional things about my father Andy because presently i really don't talk to him that often. yes, he is presently in africa and God knows what's he up to there. i mean the last time he talked to me was december 2011.

despite that, i love my dad because for the most important period of my life, my growing up and character forming years, HE WAS THERE. he showed me what compassion is when he forgave me the day he caught me drinking alcohol for the first time. (yeah and then decided to have me transfer to cpac). dad taught me patience when for the nth time, i could not precisely park a car. i value family because to him, it was always a priority. he demonstrated leadership, when he brings home plaques from the office where he worked before. he clearly defined love when i was the sick-est, and he wakes up every single moan of pain, rush to my bedside and prayed earnestly, begging God to let the yayay go away. thanks pop for every little thing you taught me. i love you!

happy father's day papa ♡

and then there is one person whom i consider my 'father-friend' (i got the term from his own son who calls his cousins, cousin-friends). he is my ankoy minic. he is a dad to matt and a soon-to-be-dad to another matt (yeyyy). he played the role which my father wasn't able to do. he was both a friend and dad to me, the coolest at that. i first learned from him was ped-xing was. he explained why roads are not meant to be straight. he drank with me. he talks about how girls should act in front of boys. he defined cheap girls vs high-end girls. he makes me love dogs. he outrightly said that i better be street-smart because life isn't based on books. he calls me heartoi and he welcomes me into their home (together with anty of course) anytime. thank you ankoy for being the coolest uncle, dad, and friend that you are!

heartoi and ankoy
so here's one song which i first learned from my ankoy. this is talks about how a father's love is powerful. hope you guys enjoy!


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