
baon idea 101

lately i have been really conscious of what goes inside my body (calorie counting that is) for the reason that i badly badly need to shed off some weight. i may still be in the normal range for my BMI but i feel that losing weight would give me more confidence and will make wakeboarding easier for me. teheeee!

i read somewhere that losing weight is really 80% diet and 20% exercise. consciousness is the key. i know it may sound paranoid to some but yes, i have established the habit of reading labels when i am in the supermarket or checking google the possible calories i take every single time i eat.

during weekdays, my diet consists mostly of crackers, banana, tuna, pork and beans, avocado, cheese, and more crackers. so today, i am sharing to you an easy variation of the tuna with egg. this is really easy even grade schoolers can make it (:

i am really picky when it comes to tuna so i recommend century tuna

just use the vegetable oil inside the can (p.s. be careful though, there is water content so there might be oil splashes)

sautee onion in low fire to caramelize

add a tsp of black pepper and a pinch of salt

jp and i prefer it dry so i just have to wait for the oil and water to soak before getting it out of the pan

there you go busy folks,  it is really easy to do and easy to pack as well for your baon. i always pair this with crackers and banana.

(1 can lasts for 2 meals because i pair it with fruits and crackers)

Stay Healthy! xx


day 2: favorite quote/quotes

hi guys! so here we go to day 2! (yay that rhymed! haaha) today i will be sharing 2 of the quotes i live by. these are the quotes that would uplift me and get me through a hard day.

this quote comes from a song which i always get to hear when i was a kid. the song starts with a message prompting us not to feel discourage and not to let those days get the better of us. it talks about Jesus being a constant friend so we just have to be happy and free because just as he watches over a sparrow, for sure he watches and takes care of me. and that works the same lot for you too.

so what's the significance of the sparrow being in comparison to human beings in this song? well, i learned that sparrows come from a family of small birds. some of their species or genus (or whatever you call their subclass) had already been announced distinct. these little birds are wild and mostly feed on seeds and just virtually anything in small quantities. 
*thanks wikipedia for the help**

having said that, the song writer wants to point out that even insignificant little creatures such as the sparrows are being watched over and taken care of, how much more an important human being like you, me, and the rest of humanity. it is such an inspiration to hear and read about this quote especially when you are feeling unimportant and insignificant. or you may be facing a life crisis and you think that no one is helping you see a way out. this is really a message of hope to those in despair. so if you have time and or you know someone who needs some uplifting of the soul you can share this.

we are all a work in progress and if there is one thing that i have to double time my efforts with, it is my patience. yes i am very impatient. i get easily pissed when jp does not pick me up on time. i get angry when my food at the restaurant comes in a little too late. i blabber when a friend shows up 30 minutes past the said meeting time (in all fairness to me, i always show up on time haahaha). i get hot-headed when someone is a slow learner. and, this is the worst, i always question God if i requested for something and he is not quick to response. i know, i am such a horrible daughter.

a few months back i asked God of his plans for me. you see, i felt like the path i am heading goes nowhere. so, i am a registered nurse and i quit my office job to be able to volunteer at a hospital. apparently, after a few months, i feel like an idiot going back and forth the hospital without pay. i feel guilty that i could not bring 'pasalubong' when i go home. i could not even pay for my own meals or buy that forever21 dress i've been longing to have. i come to doubt whether this change in my career was actually right. so i asked God if what i am doing will account to anything in the future.

i was expecting a yes or a no answer but to my annoyance, God was really silent. and then on that morning when i opened my we heart it application in my phone, i saw that quote: two things define you, your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything. clearly God is still trying to help me develop my patience and hopefully when i will be able to see through this, then i will be ready to develop my attitude.

i know you guys also got quotes as your inspiration or happy thoughts so share them with me and the rest of the world so you can brighten someone else's day! Xx


the 31-day blog challenge

while trying to think of what to share to you guys. i came across this photo from tumblr and decided to join in the fun. i always have this bad habit of postponing things which i can just do now, so i hope that this challenge will help me become a better version of myself.

this is watermarked so due credit has already been cited (:

so let's go ahead and start with day 1, shall we? i am not really fond of #selfie so it took me a while to choose what photo to share. i sorted that the photo i will share best desribes me. here we go, no judging!

taken at shangri-la a summer ago (2012)
i love summers!

Fact #1
I AM A CRY-BABY! normally, at first glance people would see me as strong, manipulative, happy-go-lucky, and a lil strict but spare me your judgment because i am a confessed cry-baby. yes! even a needle prick can make me cry (which by the way is ironic cos i am a nurse) or sappy chick flicks. i remembered being teased by my sibs as 'kapayason' whenever we quarrel cos i am always the first one to cry!

Fact #2
I CAN COOK! yeyy. i am officially announcing that i can do tricks in the kitchen. haaha! so what's the big deal? well, i grew up very boyish and whenever mama and papa ask me to do chores like cooking i would easily find excuses not to do it. so what happened? well, life happened! tadahh and i just learn to love the smell of food and the satisfaction you get after making one yummy meal ^_^

Fact #3
COLD IS MY KRYPTONITE. i easily get sick during the cold season. boooo! and i usually get cramps when the temperature gets too cold. so whenever i am on the same room with my boyfriend (who gets sick when it's hot) i gotta have to wear socks or have my own blanket. my brain also slows down causing reflexes to have their downtime. haaha yeah, i'm just weird like that.

Fact #4
MY FAVORITE FRUIT IS BANANA. for a while i thought i was a minion but this just proves that i am a real pinay. there is no other fruit that i will exchange for banana. not even those fancy ones like grapes or kiwi or apple. haaha. i eat bananas raw, cooked, or sweetened.

Fact #5
I WANT TO CHANGE MY HAIR. if there is one thing i want to change in my body, it's my hair. i really have bad, unhealthy hair with very fine grains and i hate it. i would've wanted strong, healthy, wavy and naturally blonde locks but hey i'm pinay so achieving that might need a month's salary plus the maintenance thereafter. but, who knows, i might be able to have that provision in the future *dreamy eyes**

so there you go guys, that's day 1 of the 31-day challenge! let me know if you also want to do this challenge by sending me links of your work! happy day! Xx