
baon idea 101

lately i have been really conscious of what goes inside my body (calorie counting that is) for the reason that i badly badly need to shed off some weight. i may still be in the normal range for my BMI but i feel that losing weight would give me more confidence and will make wakeboarding easier for me. teheeee!

i read somewhere that losing weight is really 80% diet and 20% exercise. consciousness is the key. i know it may sound paranoid to some but yes, i have established the habit of reading labels when i am in the supermarket or checking google the possible calories i take every single time i eat.

during weekdays, my diet consists mostly of crackers, banana, tuna, pork and beans, avocado, cheese, and more crackers. so today, i am sharing to you an easy variation of the tuna with egg. this is really easy even grade schoolers can make it (:

i am really picky when it comes to tuna so i recommend century tuna

just use the vegetable oil inside the can (p.s. be careful though, there is water content so there might be oil splashes)

sautee onion in low fire to caramelize

add a tsp of black pepper and a pinch of salt

jp and i prefer it dry so i just have to wait for the oil and water to soak before getting it out of the pan

there you go busy folks,  it is really easy to do and easy to pack as well for your baon. i always pair this with crackers and banana.

(1 can lasts for 2 meals because i pair it with fruits and crackers)

Stay Healthy! xx

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