
summer 2012: live like a boss

every single day that has passed since april 1st, philippines has been sunnier and hotter. what's a better way to enjoy summer and live like a boss for a time than going to one of the best summer go to, Shangri- La Mactan Resort and Spa! below are some of the photos jp and me dint get to share in our facebook page. this is in no definite order, just a photo vomit of what our weekend was! aww and by the way, this is also our celebration to jp's birthday last april 20 which we just slept through because of crazy work schedules.

the only thing i can drive better than jp (: jetski is the real stress reliever! we had an incrediby awesome broom broom!

just cam-whoring really!

a selection of the yummiest ice cream in town, ftw!

i got myself chocoholic-- there's something in that ice cream that makes me wana swoon! hahaha, yep that yummy!

the sweet tooth who will never give up on sweets, not ever! 

i feel like a kid on a summer day!

it's nothing but beautiful!

almost high tide!

the cutest lil sporks and knife-- shang is very kid friendly!

choco and milk! i feel soo golden and buttery after putting on some tanning concoction! haha and how stupid i was to leave my sunnies in the hotel room (see my hand covering my face?)

the tourists feeling like real bosses too!

and please know that we are coming back here in may! how exciting can that be? xx

what's your summer like? ((:

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