
the 31-day blog challenge

while trying to think of what to share to you guys. i came across this photo from tumblr and decided to join in the fun. i always have this bad habit of postponing things which i can just do now, so i hope that this challenge will help me become a better version of myself.

this is watermarked so due credit has already been cited (:

so let's go ahead and start with day 1, shall we? i am not really fond of #selfie so it took me a while to choose what photo to share. i sorted that the photo i will share best desribes me. here we go, no judging!

taken at shangri-la a summer ago (2012)
i love summers!

Fact #1
I AM A CRY-BABY! normally, at first glance people would see me as strong, manipulative, happy-go-lucky, and a lil strict but spare me your judgment because i am a confessed cry-baby. yes! even a needle prick can make me cry (which by the way is ironic cos i am a nurse) or sappy chick flicks. i remembered being teased by my sibs as 'kapayason' whenever we quarrel cos i am always the first one to cry!

Fact #2
I CAN COOK! yeyy. i am officially announcing that i can do tricks in the kitchen. haaha! so what's the big deal? well, i grew up very boyish and whenever mama and papa ask me to do chores like cooking i would easily find excuses not to do it. so what happened? well, life happened! tadahh and i just learn to love the smell of food and the satisfaction you get after making one yummy meal ^_^

Fact #3
COLD IS MY KRYPTONITE. i easily get sick during the cold season. boooo! and i usually get cramps when the temperature gets too cold. so whenever i am on the same room with my boyfriend (who gets sick when it's hot) i gotta have to wear socks or have my own blanket. my brain also slows down causing reflexes to have their downtime. haaha yeah, i'm just weird like that.

Fact #4
MY FAVORITE FRUIT IS BANANA. for a while i thought i was a minion but this just proves that i am a real pinay. there is no other fruit that i will exchange for banana. not even those fancy ones like grapes or kiwi or apple. haaha. i eat bananas raw, cooked, or sweetened.

Fact #5
I WANT TO CHANGE MY HAIR. if there is one thing i want to change in my body, it's my hair. i really have bad, unhealthy hair with very fine grains and i hate it. i would've wanted strong, healthy, wavy and naturally blonde locks but hey i'm pinay so achieving that might need a month's salary plus the maintenance thereafter. but, who knows, i might be able to have that provision in the future *dreamy eyes**

so there you go guys, that's day 1 of the 31-day challenge! let me know if you also want to do this challenge by sending me links of your work! happy day! Xx

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