
hey ☼, where are you?

its the 29th of december, im stoked because its almost 2011.im at baybay in doc Memai's dental clinic because her assistant, cheche, called in sick today.then, yaya joy is also not-so-healthy since yesterday.

well nothin really much to do here except answer calls, "brightsmile, good mornin" and sit on the thinkin chair and  chat with friends on facebook and go along with whatever matt (my 6 yr old cousin) has to say and do.

its still rainin softly and quietly outside-- its been 5 days that i dint get to see the sun.i just solely count on coffee to keep me awake on a very tempting weather like this.

whats on my mind today? my top list new year's resolution..hmmm ♫♪♫

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