
on bad days and ill-fated events

today is march 10, exactly 7 more days for our graduation.the feeling seemed surreal.i want to feel the excitement , the happiness, and satisfaction but what happened today was something which totally burned me out.
what could possibly wrong 7 days before the graduation day? well, read on and you'll know.

BOO-BOO #1: today's supposed schedule is completion for the clearance because next week will be our exams.but we just found out that the clinical coordinator won't allow us to do just that because we have to complete the number of hours for graduation. how lame is that? ever since i stepped on to cpac, it is imperative that a week before the closing if the semester we are allowed a free time for the long-listed clearance signers! (it is as if the office hours is 24/7, duhh?!)

BOO-BOO #2: since we have class today, there was group reporting for SPED-- i asked my team mates to do the report because i was busy with graduation program.they said yes but when i came to the classroom-- it wasn't prepared yet and i have to do the necessary edits so we can have a presentable report, graded at that!

BOO-BOO #3: sir tanilon sent me the tarp which is supposed to welcome the guests and the parents for the graduation.guess what? the tarp was horribly large (9x13 ft) with nothing written on it but SPLENDOR! plain and simple. if you are to look at it, how would you even know it is the graduating the class.not even a congratulations banner on top!!

BOO-BOO #4: i have 4 shifts extension! that means 24 hours on the floor to be completed just before the clinical graduation.

BOO-BOO #5: sir tapaya said my rle record book is already found way before he went on vacation.he gave it to mam g but when i confronted mam g she dint even have a single idea bout it.she assured me with this, "ti indi ka gid na ka graduate" :(((

sorry for all the rants. i just feel soo frustrated because the events and the people has not been on my side so far. i feel double the pressure because aside from my personal requirements, i have the whole graduation program to oversee.


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