
what are AUNTS made of?

many times over, i tell my friends that i may not be too lucky to be a "daddy's girl" nor a "mama's favorite" but i am beyond blessed to have been an "aunt's favorite wingman"

being the stubborn kid that i was, i have always been scolded by my parents time and again for being flipped out and screwy.but for some odd reasons, despite my flaws i find comfort and love and special attention from my aunts.i'd like to think that they find my craziness amusing (:

one of the closest aunt i have and perhaps my most favorite in the world is *DOC MEMAi** or my auntie ynyn :D she is one good soul i am very lucky to have in this lifetime.i look up to her for being the person that she is.she is strong and intelligent and beautiful at that.

she acted as our big sister when me and honey were kiddos.she looked after us and made sure we were taken care of.
she was our 'bantay' on almost all of our beach trips!
doc memai is an achiever! she was valedictorian in both grade school and high school.she has a lot of medals to boast from her achievements in academics and extracurriculars but she remains humble.i was her fan since my toddler stage.check this out!
we wanted to have her medals too so we wore it like real achievers :D
doc memai went to college in MCU and took up dentistry and i could vividly remember that whenever she comes home for vacays, i would always excitedly sit in front of her to listen to her college stories.she influenced me in my choice of books.she brings home john grisham and robin cook and mary higgins clark books and allows me to read all of them after she's done.at an early age of 10 (grade 4), i already loved john grisham even if some of the words and terms in his book i could barely understand. well, there's contextual reading anyway so it dint matter at all.

i could rant the whole day on how i idolize doc memai and this space would not be enough to tell all the stuff we share together.i value her thoughts so much that whenever i decide on something, i often ask myself-- "will auntie ynyn do the same?" or "will auntie ynyn be proud of me?" yes, that's how much she matters to me.

these are some of those many memories we share!

2nd grad day! doc mai attended in place of my parents

commencement! together with anty cel (:

mambukal stroll just after grad!

2010 bday: doc mai and angkoi minic brought me to my first attendance to nat'l skimboarding competition

l'fischer check in: doc mai's first bacolod trip!
doc memai, i hope you realize how important you are to me and how i love you as my aunt, my friend, my big sister, and my inspiration. i will always be your wingman.whatever happens, just call me and i will always be there for you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i pray that God will bless you and your family because you deserve to be happy.(and i know you are)
doc mai's beautiful family!
cheers for the good life ahead! X i love you!
the beautiful person that you she is!

Photo Credits: Grabbed from Facebook :D

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