
heartoi n matteo

i love kids! i adore their innocence and how inquisitive they can get at times.every time i see a kid (esp the good-looking ones hehe) i fall in love all over again. one of my most favorite kids right now is my cousin matt.he is the son of angkoi dominic and doc memai (: he is one very smart kid and very straight forward too. most of the time doc memai gets into an embarrassment because of the 'comments' he makes around adults.

last weekend, he was here in cebu and guess what? i was more than excited because i know that every time he goes here, he will never miss out going to S&R to buy our favorite ice cream 'sangweeech' (sandwich) and of course play at playmaze in parkmall.for the record, i think playmaze is the biggest playstation here in cebu (yes tell me if there one which is bigger).

S&R is like a playground for us! matt gets inside the cart while i push him around and ride it just the same.ice cream sangweech is like christmas on my mouth (: i can't wait for sept 21 for it to go buy 1 take 1.

the next photos are all about how i can totally rock at playmaze with kids hehe

walang tulogan look! but who cares i'm off to play (:
my crazy, fun-loving playmates

i have a special story about this next playmate.he came up to me bravely and we had this conversation:
evans: hi, my name is evans, what's yours?
me: i'm jas.i'm with my cousin matt.
matt: i'm matt
evans: hi matt! hey, can i play with you?
me: sure! 
(we ran around playmaze, do slides, then rested.i was tying my hair up in a bun)
evans: jas, you're already big, why are you here?
me: i'm not big.i'm still a kid you know.i'm just tall.
evans: okay.can you put down ur hair again?
me: why?
evans: because you look better with your hair down!
PAAAAAAKK! na waley ku for a bit! hahaha

teamates for FIRE IN THE HOLE!

i'm a happy soul! feels like i was lyin on a bed of SKITTLES!

matt dominic

last saturday was such a tiring day but i don't mind because i was able to play and be a kid again.no hassle.no worries.no crappy adult stuff.no minding about how i look.no pressure.just a light and carefree day.

thank you matteo for being my playmate! i can't wait for our next sesh at playmaze! see you in 2 weeks :))

ATTENTION: to all parents out there.when you need someone to look after your kid over the weekend, i can always volunteer esp when it's unlimited time at playmaze (:

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