
my happiness today (:

i normally don't blog my everyday happiness but today is an exception. first, because i can't shout it out on facebook (babbs deactivated it, arrghh). second, i just really want to post what's happening in my almost charmed life (:

happiness is..
2 kinds of ice cream- i pass by the supermarket today to buy milk and surprisingly i discovered that there was spare cash in my cardigan. what's a better way to spend a lost and found bill? ice cream of course! i chose vanilla and chocolate so i can put it in my milk later!

happiness is..
getting to sleep the exact number of hours you want in a day. i kinda believe that i have this undiagnosed sleeping problem and i don't get to sleep as much as i want to because i wake up prematurely, every time. but today i was in deep sleep and peaceful at that until the familiar ringtone on my phone sounded to wake me up for study. i think this milk therapy is working.

happiness is..
having a friend like jp. i just wish i can disclose whatever it is that he helped me with today but i think that's too risky to mention so i better keep it to myself (: jp is that kind of friend you will meet once in your lifetime. he is like a kindred spirit. and if ever you still try to grasp the whole point of what he did (haaha) just think 'BDO'-- he finds ways! i can't wait to see those pink VACS on my timeline (:

sorry gotta use this again for the lack of a more decent pic!

so that's happiness today..what's yours? (:

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