
10 day photo challenge

today is my last day of rest so i gotta make the most of it. ever since i stopped working in a call center, i usually sleep early and wake up early too but for the last 2 weeks i was on night duty so my body clock tend to adopt immediately to it's former state. now, since i'm back on the morning shift, it's kinda hard for me to sleep early plus i miss blogging so i'm back to abusing my body (for the moment)

as i was visiting some blogs, i came across this photo challenge which i wanted to complete just to fill up my insomniac mood (if there's ever a term like that hahaha) here goes:

Day 1- Facebook Profile Photo + 5 facts on photo

1. the two-piece i'm wearing is roxy which i bought from a very good friend, sherah!

2. this was in boracay more than a year ago

3. i was with college classmates since this boracay week was a celebration of our college graduation

4. i had to drink a little rhum to be confident strutting my stuff in this beautiful island (hahaha)

5. i was very sick when i got to cebu after this trip because of non-sleep 

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