
random date night

after a very long time, me and jp has not been able to go out at night like most normal couples would do because of crazy work scheds. this week though, he was able to file a 2-day leave which is on my day off from the hospital so we were able to go out. so i put off my nursing duties for a night and head out to eat. yeyyy!

we were planning to grab some pizzas but when we got to ayala, jp remembered one of our first dinner out together in bigbys. he suddenly wanted to go back there, so bigbys we went (:
some quirky wall they have
bigbys very creative ceiling

moi date!

my new camera is making me vain, tsk tsk! not good eh?

almost ready to chow

their fun wall

more wall decors!

anybody who frequents bigbys can attest that their quesadilla is the best!

mashed potato is a staple for me and surprisingly this one is good

eating quesadilla like eating pizza, LIKE A BOSS

happy tummytums

this is my favorite spot in ayala terraces! thanks jp for this photo, X

bigbys is a lil bit pricey but trust me, order the quesadilla and the bill you see won't matter (: and date nights are not an everyday thing so splurging a bit is not that bad hahaha i hope you guys have great date nights with the person you care about so much like i do (:


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