

happy sunday everyone xx

today il move out from the dormitory because for the rest of my last year in college il be stayin with my sister, honey in her apartment room :)) im happy beyond words coz i can finally do whatever i want without bein paranoid of the time and all but i surprised myself of bein half sad as well.

here are few of the reasons:

1. there wouldnt be no more forceful wake-up call at 6am early in the morning-- the dormitory am worship is something i dint detest, honestly.it was more than a ritual tom.it was like an early morning date with my GOD.and i hope (crossin my fingers) i can still do that when im with honey.

2. the long line at the hospital cafeteria.yes i would miss that too."isa ka rice miss, chuckie dayon, dason itlog" aww laugh it out but i came to love the food- the vegan way :)

3. the convenient use of other's stuff.i admit it- i dont everything i need when i get back to college but life has been way way easier because of dorm mates who let me borrow stuff ineed (eg uniform, bp app, books and list continues)

4. the constant budgering about the use of the cr. we actually share the same cr with another room and and if its not always, from time to time there are always misunderstanding with the rights we share but then again, you learn to patch things up as soon as possible and things would be alright :)

5. my roomie.i only have 1 roomate, maiden and luckily we havent had any major problems in our co existence its been a fun 3 months stay with her.id surely miss her :(

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