
one less lonely girl

long distance relationship can be very challenging both emotionally and physically.it's about really putting on a lot of effort in giving each other your time without compromising each other's schedule.yes, im talking about my own long distance relationship with ian.

ian is based in bacolod while im here working my ass off in cebu.not really a very long distance but just the same, it's very demanding for communication and it's testing our patience for the longest time now.what i mean is, with the work schedule that i have now, and with his personal schedule too, we don't get to text or chat that much.

both me and ian are not the most demanding type of persons in the world but just lately we decided that it's about time to see each other after a month or so.i wana fly to bacolod and do that but since im still new at work, i couldn't take an extra day off! bummer! guess what? ian offered (or was it me suggesting :D) that he will be the one to come visit me, yeyy!

i hope next time you'd stay longer :(( i miss you now that your back in bacolod.but thank you for the time and effort.thank you 'ian' for making 'hearty' happy! i love you x

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