
if you are to ask people about how they perceive me? you would likely to get these descriptions: fun, easy-go-lucky, outgoing, confident, free-spirit, perky, and sunny. only very close people who knew me would tell you that aside from bein upbeat, i have low self esteem and im not that confident of who i am because of certain events that happened to me.

lately i have been elated because one person was making me feel that im capable of loving and being loved in return. but thing is, the guy i thought would be my happy-ever-after just BROKE MY HEART. yes you heard it right, im in pain right now. so much pain that i deactivated my facebook account and thinks of not goin to school for a week. its hard to accept that im not worth a guys love and not worth to keep it all together.

i have always promoted (((!good vibes!)))) to win over the negative energy but gawwd! what happened to me is more than i can handle.for the first time, i actually wish that i was a different person, livin in a different time because if i have to do my life all over again-- il be very careful and be very cautious of who im lettin into my life.

tanyt, i'd be sleeping with a broken heart.and as much as i want to keep the tears from fallin-- it just wont stop.i wana escape.i wana fllllyyyyyy awaaaaayyyy!

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