
another inspiration: tita da

yesterday, august 28 was my tita da's birthday! i greeted her through sms because the birthday card i sent will reach her in a month perhaps.(yeah she still prefers to receive snail mail).she sent me this mms taken on her birthday! deutschland is sunny on her birthday!

my tita da got married in a very late age to my german (yeah think nazi hahaha) uncle, herbert.with that being said, they dint get the chance to have a kid on their own and lucky me, my tita considered me hers.when i was struggling so hard in college because of finances (read: girl stuff like clothes, shoes, et al) she texts me just in time to give me extra allowance.how awesome is that? and i don't even have to ask. on my graduation day, she gave me grad money enough to spend 5 days in boracay and to buy a new phone.i could blabber the whole day to let the world know that i'm the luckiest niece on earth for having a tita like her.I LOVE YOU TITA DA! i wish you would come home for a vacay again soon :D 

photo credits: the other photos were taken january 2010 during the fam reunion :)

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