
day 3 of the 30-day challenge

Day 03- Your views on drugs and alcohol.

this is quite difficult because i have to be downright honest with my views without bein one-sided at all.i had my share of the highs alcohol has to offer when i was still working at convergys.don't get me wrong, i wasn't peer pressured.i just want to experience how it is to be taken over with booze.

so yes, there was a certain high alcohol made me feel and experience. if taken in just the right amount, i think (atleast at that time) that it gives me the right amount of confidence which can make me dance like there's no tomorrow and dance like there was no one watching.

but here's the downside.worse than being piss drunk is being pissed drunk alone! yes, there were times when my drinking buddies were not available for some reason so just for the heck of drinking, i start to just gulp it down alone.and man, it doesn't make me high at all.plus, nursing a bad hangover in the morning wasn't my thing.thank God for aspirins and cold water.

well, the closest thing i had with drugs is taking paracetamol when i have fever and mefenamic when in pain and yeah the aspirin.so what's my take then? im not judgemental and hypocrite to those people who are into booze.they have a fairly good reason why they are hooked to it and maybe, just maybe, nobody is helping them to get out from this addictive vice.

the sad thing is, no matter how we rationalize it, the bad is by far outweigh the good.

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